Hey Stranger!!!

I was looking out from my window

To see if I could find

The one that I've been searching

A stranger in my mind...

He has this lively essence

God made him only for me

But still I cannot find him

Where on earth, could he be?

I've seen him in my dreams

A stranger yet so known

He told me he'll come one day

Made a promise and then was gone

I am still waiting for him

and am searching here and there

I look in every person

I know he is here somewhere

I pray every night to see him

Just want to know how will we meet?

He will be stranger for me though

But I believe he'll sound so sweet

God made nothing here single

One soul for each person to be

My case is just the same

My stranger is for me...:)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Its all about Once upon a dream:)...the dream tht I hope and counting on to turn into reality coz ive seen da real face of tht now...!!!

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