Less than Three - < 3

So a friend asked one day 'Why is love always less than three?' with this '< 3' and I answered quite quickly 'Because the love between you and another is different than the love between you and me'.

Now I never really thought about how I put this until tonight. I don't know what brought this quick exchange to mind but I though about it long and hard tonight. 

Some of us might look at Love as inconsequential or just a phase, something that is all the same or a waste of time and energy. All of these ideas couldn't be more wrong, Love is not a phase and is not all the same, it goes through phases, it is always changing, growing, becoming stronger, refocusing, it gives time spent meaning and gives birth to energy. Some might say that humans are inherently evil, but what those people forget is their passion, they are in love with the idea of finding this out because love is in us.

Looking back a little: 'Because the love between you and another is different than the love between you and me'. We often find ourselves in a situation, afraid, nervous, unsure of what is next because this new love is not the same as before, it's frightening, it's exciting but most of all its different. Each one has its own ups and downs, its own trials and even though some parts might be similar they are all very unlike. If we find ourselves saying 'It's just like before' we might want to evaluate what we cannot let go of, what still lingers in our hearts, what still has us chained to what we once held? Now, don't misunderstand, all of our experiences are part of us, who we are and who we will become, but there is a big difference between clinging to the past and using it as a foundation for the future. There is always a part of us that will still hold onto the past love we have experienced because that is who we were, and what helped us to become who we are, its part of our foundation and there is nothing wrong with this.

So where am I going with this? I'm not sure I even know now  I think what we need to understand is that nothing between two people is ever going to be the same as another connection. Sometimes these things take a different course and they change, it doesn't mean its gone but its now very different, its evolved. We need to learn to take one step at a time, flow with the changes and learn, continue to build a foundation we can stand on and understand that it all has its place. Everything happens for a reason, sometimes people we love are a lesson and sometimes lessons are hard to handle, but it all has meaning. So how do we wrap this up nicely...

'Why is love always less than three?' 
'Because the love between you and another is different than the love between you and me'

Each connection we make, everything or everyone we are passionate about, its different, it always is. No two loves are alike, and this is why and how we grow. We share a connection which is different in every detail based on who and what it is. In this way love is always less than three < 3. Its about understanding, learning, and growing....

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Each love is different - indeed ~enjoyed this one ~Allets~