

Let it go,

For one instant,

Let your anger flow.

I've broken the bonds,

With a simple Mistake.

A Trust of which you were so fond.

Don't bring it back.

Try to let the hate stay.

Feel the heat,

of a burning rage.

The hurt it can bring you.

Don't fight it,

Let it eat your heart out,

As it does mine.

Let it go for once.

You know the way.

Trust isn't kept,

but stolen.

I've stolen it.

Let the hate flow,

there is no more trust.

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Anthony Rosenberger's picture

Dude, this poem is awesome! I can relate to it so much it's not even funny. But I see that you don't ever FINISH your poems anymore, I know there's more to all of these poems than what you've written, and I want to see it. Keep up the good work man, have fun!