Please sleep, my love sleep
In calm, silent and peace
Smile as you close your eyes
Imagine everything is gonna be alright
In your dreams, I'll be sweet
When you're cold, I'll comfort you
In your sadness, I'll be funny
When you cry, use my hankie
In God's time you'll be fine
On that time you'll smile and I'll smile
So cast out your troubles and be at ease
Because tomorrow in His kindness your heart will be in peace
Sleep tight my love and don't you worry
Sleep soundly and dream sweetly
Again smile as I turn off the light
Here's a kiss in the air as I say goodnight...
Aww so cute!!! A Lovely
Aww so cute!!! A Lovely read:):)
Incredibly Happy
There is a simple joy underlining each phrase - like a happy wish in a prayer - I can't do that - too emersed in the world - but it's nice to hear happiness written down somewhere ~Lady A~
Guess I'm a hopeful romantic.
Guess I'm a hopeful romantic. There's hope in prayers, been living with it for the last 9 years. Thank God. :)