Balance The Night


Wings spreading onto the heavens,

exposing my silken skin.

I daydream of his touch.

Every stroke drawing my lines,

exciting that violet fire inside.

Tease me once again

while I beg your satin name.

Caress my pearlish breasts,

knead them for my pleasure.

Experience my flesh feverish

with desire and ecstasy.

Flames of fire and ice rain,

crying down harder with each feel.

Balance the night with me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written: Jan. 27, 2003

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J-C4113d's picture


J-Called [fka Starward]

John Strugnell's picture

So much raw emotion i this, obviously both physical and mental. Easily relateable (minus my breasts) as everyone has these feelings. Written exquisitly. Thank you.
Check out some of my stuff. Fairly similar to your writing.