Things I Miss

June 7th, 2004

Things in life I could only wish for

Things I miss, yet sore

Like a mother of my own

And a real father so I'm not alone

Reading a story from my book

Thinking about my like as I reflect and look

The thinkgs I should have had

Made me extremely sad

My mother will never be

She is lost hopelessly

My dad is a mess

So I have grandparents I guess

And I love them too

I really do

As I wipe a tear off my face

I think, How can I miss what I never had in the first place

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I read a story out of one of my books and it was about family, and how much that one special moment happened. I've never really had special moments with my parents and I miss that, But like I said how can I miss what I have never had?!?

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