
Things don't always go the way we want

Good intentions turn into huge mistakes

Small things turn into monstrous issues

And the best of ideas turn sour

Often silence and hurtful looks

Can turn a beautiful day into terror

What started off good quickly turns

Into something you want to avoid

But with one small touch

Or a kind word and a wink

Whatever went wrong

Can quickly be erased

Time can heal all wounds

And wounds can be healed

A smile can bandage a word

A hug can warm a heart

A tiny little joke can cause a laugh

And a laugh can warm the whole day

Then everything flows smoothly

Let the good times roll

When the evening passes well

The morning hurts are forgotten

What was the problem again

Smiling and laughing the day ends

Good night comes too fast

Kisses end the day sweetly

Gently cradled in your arms

I fall asleep to happy dreams

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It is cool to read a poem and realize it affects you on a personal level. I'm glad the rest of the day was so great for us like it was. Today was a lot of fun and I hope our good times will continue.