Sometimes I wonder what heaven looks like,

If its truly decorated with pearly white gates , that only open to those who lived right

Do angels really carry those we've said goodbye to, into what we call eternal paradise

and do our loved ones even think about us , in the event of their demise?


is it selfish wanting to hear their voices ,see their faces and pray to rewind time

even for just a second ,to relive the memories we replay in our minds......

or maybe just "a" memory , to get the chance to actually say goodbye

instead of wonder "what if" i said this before they eternally closed their eyes


what would change, what could make me feel better if ONLY.. you knew more than less how you impacted me,

my mother, and brothers

and how drastically, your involvement helped shaped the ideology of what we couldnt see was indeed a family...

but realistically, we criticized what wasn't there ...

 never realizing until you laid silently absent in the body but present with the lord,

that the male role we yearned for existed , ITS TRUE...

NEVER quite good with words, but if your looking down

i hope its not to late to tell you Thank you


RIP :(




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