
If you knew.....

You were to be blind tomorrow,
what would your eyes see?
You were to be stranded on an island,
what would you bring?
You were to be deaf in a day,
what wanders would you hear?
You were going to die soon,
what would you do with this year?

In your last moments.....

Would you share all your deepest secrets,
hold those dearest to you tight,
dwell on all your self-pity,
or put up a hell of a good fight?

Most of us never live our lives to the fullest.
We think we are just simply here to exist.
Well I live my life a day at a time
so I'm prepared for moments like this.

~Deziraye Wald~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

As in that country song.... "I hope you get the chance to live like you were dying".

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