
I am trying to say I’m sorry

For what I put you through

The endless sleepless nights thinking

‘I know I do; but do you?’

I am sorry I never knew

I am trying to say I am sorry

For all the times you waited for the reply

For me to tell you what you told me

I am sorry I made you cry

I am trying to say I am sorry

For when you looked in my eyes

And tried to find the right roll of the dice

The combination to unlock my soul

I am sorry I never let you know it was you

I am sorry that I never told you that I love you

I am most sorry that you cannot –

Cannot hear me – that you have gone

Now I want to say everything

But now you are not here

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Kachina Stanley's picture

Wow! this poem really touched me. It is very well written and exploding with emotions. Good job!