Same Feelings

Tears pouring down my cheeks

Fear radiating like heat

Will this feeling ever leave me?

It's taken over my brain

My hearts a one way lane

And the only destination seems to be pain

People say to only look to the future

But how can I when the past is the only thing in sight?

I can't let the good be good

When the bad is all thats in my head

I just wish these feelings were dead

Want to put the demons to bed

And never have to address them again

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asperugo's picture

in bed we are  the pillow

in bed we are 

the pillow warm 

sleepy head 

may the dream of thought catch you there like some sleepy willow

seawhatididthere's picture


You've really captured your feelings in this poem. I certainly hope you feel better.


mth610's picture


Thank you! :)