Deserted House

Coming up upon the house,
I first notice the old, run down features of it.
I stop and realize the natural beauty,
Wishing I’d have come sooner.

The long dirt road leading to a place unknown,
The bare trees lining the path,
Guiding me to where I want to be.
I stare as the wind blows through my hair.
Instantly, I feel a jolt of serenity.

My mind begins to wander,
Soothing memories make me ponder,
Faces of loved ones pop into my head
Making me wonder where they’ve been.

I continue to gaze,
Loving the view and the air from up here.
I sit on the dirt road,
Lay back and stare at the sky.
In that moment I realize,
This is what I’ve been searching for all my life.

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9inety's picture


I to feel that kind of serenity too
when I write
it feels sooo good
keep writing

"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot

mth610's picture

Thanks that means a lot :)

Thanks that means a lot :)