If He Leaves . . .

Self Poetry

If he leaves, I can combine everything in one apartment;
And I can get help from the Social Services Department.
If he leaves, he won't be lying anymore;
And, I won't have to end up confused out the door.
If he leaves, I don't have to deal with his family;
And all those rednecks and country bumpkins on his family tree.
If he leaves, I don't have to put up with his lying;
Which often ends up with me crying.
If he leaves, I don't have to deal with his shit;
And all of the crimes that he commits.
If he leaves, I don't have to agree while he hides his pot;
Then lie about how stupid he is when he forgets his hiding spot.

If he leaves, I lose my kitties;
And on myself, I will feel pity.
If he leaves, he can go back to being in love with his Mommy;
While he is busy slapping his salami.
If he leaves, he can live with his brother;
Because they are the most important males to his mother.
If he leaves, he can smoke all the pot he wants cheaply;
Because his step-brothers love him deeply.
If he leaves, he will probably smoke less;
And to his family, he will have less to confess.
If he leaves, he will be better off without me;
Because, as a female, he will always doubt me.

If he leaves, he can be crazy alone;
He won't have to deal with our fights that are full-blown.

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What I Missef

the life of being a "pair" for too long. Starting over is hard. I like the honesty of your writing.