Chemical Lobotomy

Don't like what you feel? Take a whack at this pill

You'lll find that soon we'll agree on what's real

an albatross quill directs this tired spiel

But it's what comes to mind when an open heart kneels

A rotten banana peel in the farce that is life

Does the eldest of Neilsens admit he gets off on your strife?

When the bearer of Grendel begs to be taken as wife

May thy will chip and shatter 'gainst an unruly knife.

Spread sedation in desperation; buy some good time

Spread duration on vacation; round marimbas and chimes

Hippocampal acuity, chemical incongruity

Lost paradigm of lax ingenuity

Awaken to find your nightmare's been mimed.

Now a misanthropic philosophic dealer of half-truths

Philanthropic philanderer who finds it uncouth

to record of his doings while tounging late Leto's tooth

desperate last resort when they've concocted the proof.

But who is the Yueh? Could it be true

that the ring in your hair is but a second escape route?

A silver sheen hums before you to boot.

Wind the rhyme back again; the effect's wearing thin

congruent thoughts dissolve like so many sculptures of sand

second dose on horizon; quiets the din

splintered defectors slink back to their land.

Does this make any sense? Has it lost all pretense?

Following tracks of blown away pawprints

left by ancestral wanderers who find reverence too ardent

preferring smug relaxation and feigned eloquence.

Reflect and review but why does it matter

Don't know what I'm saying, I'm just the Mad Hatter

unfortunate archetype; antiheroic splatter

open eyes wide and send false teeth a-chatter.

Author's Notes/Comments: 


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nightlight1220's picture

It sure as hell doesn't

It sure as hell doesn't matter...not when it's that funny. What I was wondering is why you made the joke on you?

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


mrpoofs's picture

I guess I feel I'm the joke,

I guess I feel I'm the joke, which forms the core of the meta-joke, or something. Idk. It would make everything I'm recording even more deliciously convoluted and stupid. i dunno, pullin stuff outta unmentionables