Falling on Deaf Ears

Your pleas for help are heard only by you

You need the acknowledgement to help get you through

Your being held hostage inside your own mind

Wondering how people can be so unkind

Your roguish, decietful, not as you appear

The hate you emit is perfectly clear

Your evil deeds come full circle, you better watch out

Contempt mixed with pleasure, you add in the doubt

You dont think for yourself, your just a machine

In the hands of others, how can you come clean?

Just a mindless being, a follower, a tool

One that does everything just to be cruel

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this is my comeback poem, fuck yes, haha; since i couldnt find the right category to categorize this into, this poem is really just about being yourself, thinking for yourself,and just not caring what other people think.  kind of an homage, if you will, to the whole point of tool songs.......and my mindset and way of thinking

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ok, this poem, hits really close to home...even though I try to be myself, i end up doing what or becoming what others want me to. and your poem proves exactly what I have been ignoring. thank you. if you want, read my stuff, its shitty, but oh well. I encourage you to continue writing, you have wonderful talent.