Dice Pineapple Interlude

Dice Pineapple
Allow me to throw caution to the wind
As she performs a full descent from her climax 
Not yet back down to earth; she reaches her summit 
Meanwhile; I Reemerge from her internal serge of organic nectar
"The blacker the berry the sweeter her juice"
To the untrained eye this may not apply 
Goose bumps on her inner thigh cause her legs to coincide,
Revealing her secret
Dice Pineapple
It taste like Heaven
or Heaven on Earth is it's equivalent
Naw; I've never seen Heaven
But this might be its appearance 
Hell; if thats the case this could be its taste
is it to late for an entrée ? 
can I get it as soon as you wake? 
offer my neighbors my apologies cause her screaming never vague
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Theres a rumor that dice pineapple if ate by a women would make oral sex that much better for the males prospective. not sure if its true but thats where the concept of this poem came from/song; Rick Ross - Dice Pineapple






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pldappls's picture

i heard it was if you're male

i heard it was if you're male and you drink pineapple juice it makes your jizz taste better. i personally tested this (not being the taster of course because that's disguting) and it's apparently true. results could have been schewed because i am diabetic and i remember my blood ugar being a bit elevated during some of that because i had some kind of infection at the time or something. i believe it's true.


for women. idk

allets's picture

It's An

urban legend. I heard it was strawberries topped with nuts chopped.