Death Eternity

My Portfolio
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Portland, Oregon

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Computers, poetry, art, people, movies, games. You name it I will probably enjoy doing it.

Well as I'm sure you can guess my true name is not Death Eternity, but that is infact my alias and I believe more of my friends call me Death than my real name. I'm often interpreted as depressing or frightening.. and I must say sometimes I choose that, but in all actuallity I am happy with my life for the most part and I am probably one of the nicest people you can meet, which ends up getting me used and hurt alot. Hurt... I know hurt very well, I've been through just about every form of hurt that exists and if you are in pain and would like someone to help just get ahold of me on my Yahoo, I'd be more than happy. Also if you would like any help with writing things I'm not an amazing teacher but I'll try.

About My Navel

Small and round and twisted inside, sensitive and soft. Difficult to get to, but once you do you know you're close to the rest of me.

Website(s) or Email

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

It can't rain all the time - Brandon Lee as The Crow


Member for
19 years 12 weeks