
When the glass is half empty the world is seen in a different view
Instead of sunshine there is darkness
And you think to yourself what am I to do?
You can’t seem to shake this feeling of loneliness
Followed by endless days of sorrow
Wondering if a better day will present itself tomorrow
The worst part is you don’t know why
The only thing you really want to do is cry
It’s hard to explain this feeling to someone
When you don’t have a reason
They look at you and perhaps blame it on the season
You want to be happy, you really do
But something is standing in your way, torturing you
My best advice that I can say, is to not let anything get in your way
It’s the toughest thing you’ll ever have to do
But life is too short, not to live it to its fullest.

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It's Hormonal

Life is a roller coaster ride, the hormones peak and you are drowned by emotion happy to sad and then it goes away for a week or two, you feel even for a minute or two, then hormones act up again - Lady A