Jason Soriano

My Portfolio
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Concord, California

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

I started writing poems in high school almost all of them pertaining to love. Poetry is a hobby that I haven't invested much time in getting better at. I'm honestly just a Hopeless Romantic who can't shut up about love.

About My Navel

Oh but why do I have a hole in tummy
That all the world can see
And which has no real benefit to me
It's just a hole in my tummy
And that's all it will ever be

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

My favorite poet is Edgar Allen Poe, I like to read comics, and favorite hero has got to be Spider-Man favorite, villain is the one and only Victor von Doom (Dr. Doom). I am also a gamer and a huge movie buff.


Member for
10 years 37 weeks