It's like walking on a tightrope
talking to other people
always trying to be sure
I don't say the wrong thing
I want you all to like me
so I kiss your ass
If I were truly honest
you might think
I have no class
what do I really have to lose?
If you don't like the true me
than what the hell is it all worth?
I want real relationships
I want to see your souls
and I want you to see mine too
Look into my eyes
don't turn away
if we look long enough
our essence will be clear...
Oh... but that is vulnerable
I know...
too vulnerable for most of us to feel
but don't worry
I'll not hurt you
not now...
not in this moment
so long as we are really connected
I know that you ARE me
and you will know that I AM you
if you can stay connected to me
for long enough...
it's the only way for me
for us both to connect equally
because if you don't play too
my jaw will clench up
the nervous smile will shine through
and then there's the laugh
that will come too
but if we both stay still
connected through our eyes
softly connected
we'll both realize
the beauty in each other
the beauty in ourselves
so let us stay connected
for this will be TRUE wealth