I've written about the dark side of me
shedding light
so that I can see what needs changing
still resistant
to what is most necessary
I feel it
I'm frightened by it
what if I don't change?
what will become of me?
what will become of my soul?
my spirit...
will it suffer?
my gut tells me yes...
it is now necessary to make the shift
you know what you have to do...
so why don't you just do it?
sloth... sloth...
procratinate... procrastinator...
you can always put it off for another day
so when will you change?
when will you actually be
disciplined enough
to do what it takes?
thoughts arise...
it's all in my own hands
dark side comes to the surface
wanting to spook me...
wanting to terrify me...
telling me what will happen to me...
sending me into a panic
my stomach all tied in knots
fearing the dreadful fate that awaits
should I not make the shift
the necessary shift to save myself
from myself
take a breath...
lay down and breathe...
the breath brings the light
which dissolves all the fears...
all the fears that want to overcome me
breathe... breathe... breathe...