
My Favorite Poems

Like the stars in the night sky,

Like the rain that ripples the pond;

Life has a funny way of changing what you thought was once love.

You were happy,

And now you're sad.

You use smile, but now you cry.

As if you have locked yourself up in a dark closet in your head, holding onto a goose feathered pillow,

You cradle your emotions, and never let them show.

They rub it inyour face,

They poke until you cry.

There is nothing you can do, but suck it up inside.

Maybe you're not perfect?

Maybe you should die.

Either way, there is no use in trying.

Nothing can please them, so give it up.

Get away from this hell hole that eats at your mind.

Leave behind the items that will only hold you back.

Let them hate you.

Let them shun you.

You can return that favor,

When you finally get your chance to shine.

They will lurk in the shadows of your thoughts,

Holding you down, guilting you to return.

Go ahead.

Return to them.

But this time, they will know who is in control.

No longer will they wait,

Preying on your pain.

Like a hunter in the woods,

You will fear no more,

From being ambushed.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

~*Brittany Ann Beasley*~

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