Every Time You Tell a Lie

Every time you tell a lie

You take a part away from the truth.

Every time you take a part away from the truth

You take a truthful part away from your life.

Eventually if you have lied so much

That you can't bear to lie any longer

You will come to the fact and realise

That your life has become a lie.

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allets's picture

A Piece of Truth

A slice of trute

taken by lies

ends in a big

stomach ache

in the end.


Lies on the plate

tempered by truth

begin the process

of healing.








Mone's picture

That's so deep. wow.

That's so deep. wow.

allets's picture

And True

The revision of history is occurring and lies are being inserted to make us look good. We as a whole, world wide, have done some dastardly things and the world is not all butterflies and rose petals. As the oil runs out and people begin to realize their indiscretions, their lies lived and believed, they will see their fake existences crumble and walk lightly upon the ashes - We live in the best of times. ~~A~~