Micaela Martinez

My Portfolio
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Chicago IL

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Hmm let's see what I can say about myself to sound interesting..... umm, I'm sarcastic, but friendly. I don't think I'm better than anybody else so there's never an issue where I won't talk to someone (unless you're a stalker, pedophile, or an asshole). So yes, feel free to talk to me. I really love talking about music. As well as writing and books. About my outward look, I'm a short mmm like 5'1 and a half (yes, the half matters) girl.... I am always willing and wanting to listen to people and like to help them in anyway I can. It's makes me feel useful, so I'm not just living a selfish life. I'm a Christian and I love God. I'm not always a good example, but He's been good to me. Much more than I deserve. I also blab a lot if you didn't notice. So ANYWAYS, yeah that's me. I wonder if I could have filled up this whole "About Me" box.....yeah probably.

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

It is better to burn out than to fade away. - Kurt Cobain

It was the music. That's what brought us together......that was the mission. - Krist Novoselic

And this is how I choose to live, as if I'm jumping off a cliff. Knowing that you'll save me. - Relient K


Member for
13 years 43 weeks