Little Love Story



I saw your face in the silence between dreams,

holding out your hands ready to guide me to the light,

a new day and new life filled with endless possibilities.


I heard your laugh between the rays of forest sunlight,

where evergreen hopes take wing and search for meaning,

finding it on the comforting warmth of my shoulder.


I caught your gaze blazing from the surface of the moon,

shining down like love on my tired and weary head,

a beacon call from foreign shores and drinking in the tide.


I felt your presence in the afterglow of the sunrise,

eternal and unchanging like a polar summer shadow,

and I snuck my hand in yours and felt eternal too.


I saw snow turn to diamonds;

I saw clouds burst with colour;

I saw your magic in your smile;

I saw myth become real.

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For Some Reason

I read this from the bottom up and found it just as engaging. I love a good love poem!  "...and felt eternal too..." clenched it for me big time! Bravo write - allets