

Did you know?

Love is what you make of it,

It’s amazing that I am here today,

Love is in the sky,

In the clouds,

In the rain that falls,

In the sun that is out,

In my friends that say hi,

Or call everyday,

Did you know?

Its there,

In the snow that falls,

In the people that smile,

In sad times,

In the smiles of my family,

Did you know?

Its there,

When I hurt,

And I can not get out of bed in the morning,

When I go to the doctor and get bad news,

When I think this is all to much,


Did you know?

Its there,

Love is everywhere we go,

Everything we do,

Everything that happens,

So I know love is there,

So know I love you!


Misty Yanish

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