I'm an Addict, I'm a Theif.

The thought of it is enough to make you weak.
You don't even know what to do anymore.
It's right there.

Why don't you just take it?
You can't.

It's just too priceless..
That shining gem was sitting there for the taking.
What's wrong with you?

You want it.

You crave it.

You say you must have it.
Those in possesion of it know not of it's value.
They are careless.
Why must you be so weak?

You can have it,
go ahead just take it, man.
Get a firm grip,

close your fist and walk away.

You can feel it.
Driving you closer to insanity.
All those fortunate enough to know it's company, care not of its value.
Most don't even know what they possess.
Until they throw it all away for a mistake.
The warmth it brings.

You'd think that would be enough right?
For any one to see how valuable it truly is.

Those who have it I would say..
Are rather blind and ignorant to it's capabilities.
The ones whom have it, no matter how lucky will soon be stripped of it.
Not ever realizing what it is that was taken.
"By who?"
You may have asked..
"Why, Me of course. I am a theif of sorts, coming for that which I deserve."
What I deserve,

tis truely the most valuable thing.

Which cannot really be sold, stolen or traded.
That which is valueless or underpriced to most,
yet priceless to me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

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osiriss-'s picture

how lovely is your truth

for it shines the bright light of understanding --- i was a drug addict for almost 15 years --- i used them all, do not be fooled my mind has been lost at many raves and parties for all night fun under the stamp of a press.... a press (oppress) whatever you want to call it, all drugs are the same

but you have truth inside of you, that speaks the wisdom of many years --- many years that i spent killing myself, destroying my relationships

and how true it is ---

Alexandria_dragomir's picture

Beautiful poem,

Beautiful poem, congratulations