Falling Down

Where I had once stood,
Thousands feet tall,
Now I lay down,
To nothing at all,
I was even so high,
To of seen the birds fly,
But even sometimes,
Birds fall straight from the sky,
And sometimes even the greatest,
the greatest, gods die,
And the least of compassionate,
The devils,
They often do cry,
And it is where I once stood,
Ever so tall,
I can look down,
And see nothing at all,

Covered in ashes,
The only thing left,
That covers my gashes,
They cover the pain,
Of one thousand lashes,
As I just pant,
and life simply flashes.

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BassHead's picture

This one was my favorite.

This one was my favorite.

Invisibird's picture


Never stop this wondrous writing, your words fill me with something..... Real. Thank you.
