Those Old Days

Welcome to My Life

With how many times I've straightened my hair,

I'm surprised at how smooth and soft it remained.

I'd wear my band shirts I bought from Hot Topic

and skate down the streets with a World Industry skateboard.

How many insults have I shouted at people with?
She is the only one that joined my trolling reign;

the twin friend I came to hide behind for years.

No matter how much I talked shit about people with her,

her enemies never said anything bad about me.

How many mornings have I had where I don't want to wake up?

Walking down the crowded hallways at school,

I'd witness my friends going through their drama.

Sitting alone in my bedroom late at night,

I'd listen to Emilie Autumn and a lot of metal bands,

screaming internally with my teenage frustration.

Me and my twin would cause chaos around school,

tormenting her pedophile ex-boyfriend and mine.

My eyes looked down whenever I hung out with Thomas.

I'd sit back in my chair and talk about Wiccan stuff with Bre.

Everyone left me alone to be with their friends.

I almost lit up a cigarette while I was with the stoners,

but I was too paranoid about Mom finding out.

The three days I was suspended were exciting.

Jake deserved that slap after calling me Brighton's bitch.

Why was I into the cute skinny emo guys then?

How many times have I cried over guys that dumped me?

I strived to be skinnier each day for years

so that I'd be pretty with skinny jeans and emo hair.

I'd always smear on black eyeshadow,

but they'd turn out to look like lazy raccoon eyes.

How many deep cuts did I inflict on my wrist?

Thomas showed me that one song that kept me alive.

I fell in love at first sight once and never again.

My life changed when we adopted Smokie.

Over the summer I would read House of Night books.

My eyes tire so much from getting up so early.

My right ring finger was swollen from drawing.

I tried so hard to be the best back then.

And I would give anything to go back,

to experience everything once again.

I miss those good old days. 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

October 21, 2015


I was thinking about high school and I got really nostalgic.

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borbug's picture

We all gone thrue this in our

We all gone thrue this in our teenage riot days...but it got to happen becouse after that you become stronger and you can write about it and help others that yet comming in that phaze of life...exellent piece

MilMan's picture

Those Old Days

Been threre, Done that, There's no going back. It's water under the bridge and it's time to step into tomorrow

Where Bigger, Better and Brighter Days await. Pass the test, God will Bless.