Friendship 6 (After All)

Back again, there again, only to be dreams again
I can only remember way back when
It was summer, it was nice
It was winter, heart of ice
It was fun, than be gone
It was phone, than be home
Spring brings you back for the summer
It's engraved in my timeline, over & over
It would come and go but you'd be back
Like ur favorite artist, just the newest track

I wish I could write like I used to
Type memories,love and feelings of you
I had a Life, a Dream and words with you
Now my Dreams are a reminder of reality
Which I love but differently

I had a Love, a Friend and thoughts of you
Now it's the opposite, it's gone but nowhere to...
Find it all, bring it back and Life was a waste
or live it in dreams for a random taste

When you're young: " You see the life u want and it..."
...constantly cross my mind that it wouldn't be it
And it wasn't, but it is in dreams like it always was
the thinking, talking and the forgetting,never has

It never changed, the friendship; the "50" Questions
Never gotten back my change, the tip, any mentions
But a daughter, a life and three dots in a row
But Jesus, money and a love life so slow

Reason took over for the better obviously
Happiness , dreams and still a possibility...
Love stepped aside but it's alright
You can't have it all 'cause it wouldn't be right...

Compromise, they'll say is what it's all about and
Don't let nobody get in the way of your dreams and...
all those other advices they give to make it look
Like they have it all but it's one or the other in my book

You can't have it all or it would be too selfish
For the Other who will always compromise his only wish
You can dream all you want when the night comes out
When the Sun is rising, no longer what it was all about

I changed oh so much and yet not enough
to get pass the time and give Past it's Time
to fake a futur. And so I wonder...
Will I wake up to be another.
Friendship is the best
because it passes the test
Like a cake without the calories
The guilt without the memories...

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You can have it all and not

You can have it all and not be selfish, its those around you that make you feel complete and help you get to where you feel you have it all. the past is not your answer but neither is a fake future.. you will find your answers