
All those times I screamed and cried, gasping for air
But you would just stand at the door and stare
Sometimes I wonder if you've ever really cared
I search in your eyes, but there is no love there.


You have never even tried to understand
Never offered to help or give me your hand
Now I am slipping away from you like sand
Because its your presence I can no longer stand.


I shouldn't feel so much hatred towards you
But it's not surprising after all you've put me through
It's too late now, there's nothing you can do
You are just a stranger, not someone I'm related to.

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Colin "Satyr" McNamara's picture

if people seem like they don't care at times- especially parents- either consider the situation from their point of view, or don't give them the satisfaction of your suffering. Perhaps they care... but can't understand... perhaps they don't and are malicious.

Either way... your father he will always be... it's up to you to try and rekindle a relationship or not... perhaps a different time and age is all that is needed for things to work. I can relate though... there were times when my dad and I hated each other... we fought, hit, and cursed. He didn't understand, and didn't want to... neither did I (but being fifteen at the time, that stupid teenager instict to rebel and argue kicks in on overdrive!) Over time... things changed. Perhaps they will for you too...

if they don't... then forget the past... look to a better future. People have bad childhoods, but it doesn't mean it's shit for life... there's always room to uplift, as long as you have something to keep you going.

horns up... grin... wipe away the tears. Keep searching for what you want...