I tell myself it's for the best
It will be okay
Then I am mad at myself
For lying to me
I hurt so bad
I am lost
Like a small child
In the middle of the ocean
I feel as though I have nowhere to go
Nowhere to go to find safety and security
I suppose I will proceed forward
Until I see land...
Hopefully its a nice land with a lot to offer
Let me try to eplain.
so many times I have heard "its for he best" and "it will be okay" and "you are better off"
I tried so hard to believe it. I talked myself into it..
but when I keep pretending to be happy and "okay" when I am not..
something big happens or even small and seems like my whole life is over.. that's all I had left
the simile of the child in the middle of the ocean represents me.. lost..
(i dont know what direction I am going or where I should take my life..)
no place that the child looks does she see land or a sign..
no sign to help her get to saftey
she keeps pushing forward to make it to where she wants to be..
at some point she will make it there or die trying..
in my case I am talking about finding love and having a family..
(which is hopefully nice and has a lot to offer.)
OK, I give up. What language is this? Looks nice though.