God I need your Grace today, to lead me, to guide me, to show me the way.
And it's through my Lord Jesus Christ that Heavenly Father I pray, and ask
For your Grace today. As I walk in this world of uncertainty and fear, Father
Your Heavenly voice I need to hear, to stop my mumbling, my stumbling,
And my short coming. To know when to open my mouth and know what to
Say, how to use my words and how to pray.
And this is why, I ask for your Grace today. It's through you Lord Jesus that
My way has been sealed because By your stripes I am healed. And by your
Grace i get complete relief but I need you also Lord to Help my unbelief.
Then I stand confident, tall and strong for by your Heavenly Grace I know
I can't go wrong. Because in this world of violence and when I don't feel
Safe, I know I can pray to you Lord and you will increase my faih.
Now this life can be a real struggle, so I can pray again and you will
Keep me out of trouble. For every day I am put to the test, it's by your
Grace that I can over come and enter into your rest. It's through you
Lord Jesus that my Blessing are coming like a flood and it's because I've
Been redeemed by your precious blood. So again I ask you God for your
Grace today and it's through my Lord Jesus Christ, that Heavenly Father
you have made the way.
By MilMan Inspired By Joyce Meyer.
Grace, Strength, and Help
with some real problems. Would you please God guide Israel not to insult Obama because he's talking to Palestine about peace - and an arms deal. Help Obama not to bend to the threats of death without compliance to the powers that really run the USA. This is today's prayer, brought to you by Grace and Belief in The Holy Spirit ~ I have a more direct form of prayer and tend to be specific. I am yours in writing ~The Star~