Imagine all of those memories that made you
Fade away
The precious moments
The gentle comfort of family
Being there for you
When you didn't know you really needed them most
The smiles when you woke up
The warm hugs when you got home
Sharing how your day went
While watching wheel of Fortune during supper
Staying home sick and watching days of our life's
Dozing off during the young and the restless while your mom kept on the TV
And you'd wake up with the house all cleaned
Happy as could be when he walks in the door and you yell "daddyyy!"
Those days of youth as your most fond memories
Before the world changed you
Left you with amnesia
And yourself
As your greatest love
and your own worst enemy.
life goes on,we get caught up
life goes on,we get caught up in our own problems,
sometimes we jus don1t take the time to look back
ron parrish