The Skate Park

This is to those who'll never drop in

And wonder just why we all do

Listen to us though we'll not X-plain

The burly X-citement to you

It starts in the board, or the bike or the blade

It's things that are hellified too

Putting us at the edge of our heaven

In the sweet solid feeling of smooth.

Sa-weet says a lot of this X-cellent place

This gigantic circus that's our

Destination for release of the soul,

This is the top of the tower.

So stand there and watch as we X-press life

And listen to what we don't say

Maybe you'll see the progress that is

The awesome dynamics at play.

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Sami R-L's picture

A feeling of all the happiness any can mend! Lovely work!!!

Melissa Rives's picture

You capture the essence of the skate park so well...the thrill and excitement!