What Is It About Her Poetry

What is it about her poetry

That holds me in its spell

Is it her rhyme in metered time

That draws me in so well?

Or is it the words she chooses

To place upon the page

That builds the tower where stands her power

To exact from me this wage?

She always speaks of Mother

The one to whom I'm son

And it's so clear that do hear

What her words have begun.

She is an able gardener

Who makes the flowers grow

Throughout the gift through which I shift

To see her colours flow.

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kat's picture

This is a very lovely poem. I don't know what you call that style, but it draws you in. I enjoyed this read very much.

Melissa Rives's picture

This is the most lovely thing to read....and dare I say...your words flow from your heart into the reader's soul. This has a beautiful rythym and flow. It is so nice to see the range you have as a poet....your garden of words brings beauty to my soul.

Violet Carolina's picture

I like it! Simple and respectful.