Let Me Sing

Let me sing

And as I do I beg you listen

Though I’m sure you’ve heard

For I’ve heard the echoes ring

In your display.

Let me say

That strong I feel for the spirit

That is you and you’ve given me.

On the banks

Of different rivers we stand apart

Yet joined in soul and thought

And the thinking brings the thanks

And warmth that dried

The tears unseen inside

From the unheard screaming of the spirit

That is us and deep in each do see.

As earth holds Moon

I do hold you, never touching, to myself

And tides rise in me from the fullness of you

And I’m tied to mast before your tune

So listen please

As I on seas

Proclaim devotion before your winds and spirit

That caress the sails of this ship that carries me.

I am in spirit

Joined to you though I within me know

That separate we shall always be

And though life allows me no way near it

I will always sing

For the joyous thing

That has come to allow my soul to freely live

As I hope you do and all before you see.

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Melissa Rives's picture

Very beautiful language. Written of a love, or a muse? Either way, whatever the inspiration...it is a beautiful piece of poetry!

Victor Buhagiar's picture

I hope I understood this poem, which I interpret as unfulfilled love. Very interesting imagery.