Dear God I pray an answer comes
To why we persecute in Your name
The one who thinks he has the right
To persecute us for reasons same.
And am I wrong to think that there
Are several paths which lead to You
As long as Your words are rightly kept
And each path gives the other due
Respect as it to heaven flows?
Or are the ones who bring my death
Always speaking none but truth
With each condemnation on their breath.
My heart does tell me as I live
That there be only one Supreme
Towards whom we all strive and yet
How different we've made the sameness seem.
And since I feel as I strongly do
Of the oneness of Your being
It must have been the men like me
Who brought the intolerance we're seeing.
For on we go and further shall
Persecute beliefs in Your name
Till hopefully perhaps in time
Those who love You will feel the shame.
I may never know the answer
But I've known since my youth
Something in my heart alone
Though you may think not truth.
I'm a Christian, you a Jew, Moslem
Buddhist or whatever.
And as such we all strive
To reach a oneness with our God
To eternally stay alive.
Yet we'll shout how wrong the other
And their voice we'll try to still
Even though the God we have
Told us it is death to kill.
So I'll go on and strongly feel
That no matter how we're odd
You are right and so am I
To want to be with just one God.
For rightly so there is one God
Even tho beliefs are not the same
That one God made each of us
And we in turn made different names.
So I pray that when I die
And finally know no other
I hope my transgressions don't keep me from
Being one with you, my brother.
amazing poem .
Such a beautiful work of praise! I found you by chance tonight in random names. I have been blessed by the reading of your words. Thank-you for your words. Thank-you for your prayer. ~Lesa~
I found this to be peaceful and very non-judgmental. One can appreciate that in this time. At the same time, I am unsure the one God is being followed appropriately by all...if Jesus is barred/unconsidered in the worship. Then again, I don't have all the answers. I just know the word I follow. Thank you for kind sharing of your pondering. I respect your thoughts. V.
Michael, this is one of your best! I have often thought along the same lines and not known exactly how to express it. Good job.
This is really good. It makes a person think, you know? =O)
DeAnna =O)
Wow...breathtaking, really. This is so wise and insightful...I agree!!!! Nicely how you wrote it to God first, then to humanity. Powerful writing, my friend!