In Smung-town on Smungsday a doomy day was nigh.
Catunck-a-tunck fwing went the smungian clack-clock.
Half past malenny-loo the hippler drug to a dalardly stop
as the skies timularity rang with fearsome simulacritiy.
A smung lung yonder yells, “Yippie Yie Yow Kie Yow.
Skyttle Von Skrattle flies high the nights bow!
Fally the farthest farthing and brilly-bang the bravo-breels
Hooloonga! Hooloonga! A dread skrag-loxs ‘pon our heels.”
“I am Skyttle von Skrattle a dingley dooggle;
A legendly harkle thwick thwack in the night.
Bye skinny, by scurvy, by oh johvie-joovey,
say I the Plunderopitous to all cross my sight.
For I’m Skyttle von Skrattle the daggersome puzzle.
Skroggled old skurge of the six-headed skorx.
Bearded in braxle – eyes like smarladactles.
Skackle-bo skackle-doe dot-dooo dotty-dooooom!”
Running- run the denizens quickly ‘round city Smung.
From smarguns they run, rinny-run! All but one
Hero “Fingatow! of Fingalao” the hero, the Fingatow!
To brave the smarguns. “Fingatow! For smoo-na-roo!!”
Hark, Mayor Shoes smooths soured-ly so smungians, he speaks
“thwip-thwap” Mr. two-shoes re-gloaches with two-steps –
he flaps! “Thwip-thwap! Bounce the Bibalow & The Steelin Stolable!”
The pippley-peepley people cry back “ping-pang… Ping-Pang!
Nilly-nally slimmy-slack, push this corsair on back!”
Then Stoongax looks up from slack-lips locked in layers.
With his pursed panda-plush he glares like some god.
His drunken lone-tone speaks of go-go mad meri-potomy.
“Mad maw, jibber-jibber – jivey-jo and the jabber pop.
In Whooper will I’ll flabber-gast safe in safes our bibalow”
says Stoongax to Two-shoes, “For double-roo, the smoo-na-roo!”
His breath stank like the wrinkly-rank roundabouts of double cuts.
Immenopalent skyttle funkatucked forth for gorbbled-gold.
Sallardly slimmy-slapping sins ponda burnyadown din,
click-tick fwoooom ik-swash. “Kurn-turn-burn yee down”
“!Da-blewn! !Da blewn!” The skorx weegle-wails & kroons
to Blork the Skorx-gax his skock-poch pakoom.
“I’ll ding-dang the roo!” Reaps Skyttle in his Ficktarian tongue.
Wailing beneath the dillopthanous lights of things undone
Burna-do-drums, Sicamore succumb and mad flung-plumbs
Then Fingatow stands forth…
“Skyttle von Skrattle of twenty-one ginnie guns.
Skyttle von skrattle, the dread of cape fork!
The slithering slug-sack to the cities of Smarnalack.
Rack-attacked and reap-ripping ‘pon Ficktarian norx.
I’ll tremble the trail that tally’s your toll!”
Good Fingatow pours wrathy-steel ‘gainst piratical blades.
They slice, dance and croil to linguagasmic matha-mataticks
slinging to swing the other’s existingisms. Dodecahedronous
boustrophedroned skit skat. And all for thar-that sacred song
The Sicamor Dafaldalor, which timble rimble wiffle waffles
∫“Dabell-o-dell! Dabell-o-dell! Lim carell flo na rill salill lodeal” ∫
Clink-a-tink went cracks of steel from ragg-ed and tagg-ed
battle sall-ga-vagg-ed. Clunk-thud-clunk! Boom-fwosh-boom!
kik-slice-guh-ga! Fingatow’s “hurrah!” Swinging devotion
from the Smungyan ocean. Vowing fundles, blauwing grundles
and oogatan after oogaton they shparangle their deadly Ooligons
Then Fingatow speaks anew…
“Your shporack attack is dirt in my teeth
I say this, you drimple analoptical llalusion;
you hellow frolodo-mar-ganarx. Time to
pargo the side-ways of your chuck-it pew-chet
and shake sharoos with those laraguised hands
Take a glance at the rappats on your perfuckit
Then once more…
The flackerty-strygons met with grackled exchanges
And Strike-struck was Skyttle to the chairolax sitodown
Then began the Smungs to sing-garingy-ding.
They did so right loud, ∫“Da ha da ha for Scoodly-Woo
Kombucha-ha da ha”∫ The roaring singlings of singaring
Bequetted in callotrometric dance & tantalometer-song
They sang on..
∫“Tuchee tuchee tuchee. Slam we to taste free.
Kombucha with good gorpling simplality.
Inspectorated Brew; invigimartyred haha.
Westward woopsafooples; two-timed claranya.
Swooney-tune Singaring aloft in Smungadow.
twi-li-skies and flitterites flitting in their flowe
Smungadow smoo! Dance the song of our feet
The five-step jive-step hypertonic slow heat
Clummoritous flow; crackatack-ziggy-zackin’
so the sly guys gogo three foot swang rackin’
All Back and forth and Back and forth and back
Just a tippy tip tiddly tad, like that fly-flack
The milkey mind musings of the markeelio
Tiddly-time, the mad so-so essen-tobodio
Back for back clickitous clack for smoo-na-roo
The way of the Smung. Ding-dang dance-a-roo
Trangalow my hooty-loo and lets lippy tippy to-to
That woozy two-shoes foot growling free for all
For smoo-na-roo” ∫
A perseverance piece. "...Fingatow's "hurrah"..." - felt like being lost inside a surrealist's night terror. Carollesque does not say anything near it. Mushrooms and poppy seeds, Batman! Intrignestical. - Lady A