I Thank You For John Denver...

Michaels poems

   Such a wonder...

A song....the thought of a woman,

how...when combined...

what magic follows.

Your eyes close...

Senses Flood...



Hearts open... explosions occur...

It's words...it's melody...


Fuel that fills the heart...

gives flight to the spirit.

'He was born in the summer of his 27'th year,

Coming home to a place he'd never been before,

Left yesterday behind him...

You could say he's born again'

How you've helped my spirit to be born anew,

breathed life into a withered heart.

Helped me...to leave yesterday behind,

taken my thoughts...my heart...my dreams,

to a place they'd never been before...

I Thank You For John Denver...

You fill up my senses...

Like a night in the forest, like the mountains in springtime,

Like a walk in the rain, like a storm in the desert,

Like a sleepy blue ocean, you fill up my senses,

come fill me again.

You have filled my senses...from the very first moment.

Together... lying next to one another,

on a blanket of soft grass in the forest.

Gazing up at the wonders...

the beauty presented before us in the sparkling night sky,

the beauty of the eclipse...'separated...but together'

Holding hands...a gentle drizzle...a walk in the rain.

Soft sands of the beach..your head, nuzzled gently in my chest,

staring out...lost together in that the sleepy blue ocean...

I Thank You For John Denver...

So kiss me and smile for me

Tell me that you'll wait for me

Hold me like you'll never let me go.

Kiss me...

the taste of your sweet lips,

once more...my desire.

Smile for me...

to see the smile that warmed my heart so...

Wait for me...always...

Hold me...

Your gentle arms around me...

the love in your touch.

Hold me like you'll never let me go...

I Thank You For John Denver...

Every place I go, I'll think of you.

Every song I sing, I'll sing for you.

Every place i go...

I'll see you in the beauty that surrounds me...

I'll always think of you...

The woman...

who's essence has permeated my very being.

And every song...yes...every song,

my heart will sing for you...

so that it's true beauty can be translated...

Not so much a poem...but the words...the ramblings of a wayward heart....traveling the path between dreams & reality...

I Thank You For John Denver...

I Thank You For My Dreams...

I Thank You For....You....

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