Pleasure and Pain

Pleasure and pain two consequences of love, which I'll explain

Pleasure: a valuable treasure to which there is no measure.

Pain: an area in which we try to refrain.

Pleasure: when souls unite and set flight.

Pain: coming home at night, to discover your lover's flight.

Pleasure: a well sent compliment.

Pain: an inward folding, a horrible scolding.

Pleasure: remembering what was said on the fist date,

making love to your soul mate.

Pain: a feeling you love to hate,

especially when expressed by your mate.

Pleasure: when fantasy turnes to reality.

Pain: when tears turn to rain.

Pleasure: delight shown most every night.

Pain: cause of most of our fears and aged years.

Pleasure: a devise used to make you naughty or nice.

Pain: a hurtful element in which emotions are bent.

Pleasure: your lover's smile as you walk down the aisle.

Pain: an oversized stain in which there is little to gain.

Pleasure: when she looks deep into your eyes and you realize.

Pain: being torn apart at the seams of your heart.

Pleasure: gratitude usually expressed in the nude.

Pain: a bleeding of the soul, until you pay the toll.

Pleasure: your lover's voice, making the right choice.

Pain: an overlapping scar that won't go far.

Pleasrue: celebrating an anniversary, need for a nursery

Pain: enough of it will drive you insane.

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