Mayra Ruiz

My Portfolio
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Monterrey Mexico

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

I love music and writing stuff. I used to write interesting stuff but I lost it some years ago, I'm starting to write again like I used to. I'm not used to let people read what I write but I'll make an effort here :)

About My Navel

It's a cyclope

Website(s) or Email
Twitter: @mey_ruiz
Last FM: mey_ruiz
Youtube meyruiz

I have no imagination for this kind of things x)

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

I love trip-hop music, indie and electronic or dubstep although I like classic rock bands from 60's to the 90's.
My favorite writer is Oscar Wilde :) I know he only wrote one novel but I love his style in all his work and his quotes.

I used to play drums and violin, I'm working so I will return practicing these instruments.


Member for
12 years 22 weeks