
Beautiful brown skin, a smile that’ll melt your heart!

Words can’t describe how unique she is but those are a start.

From her ever roaming eyes to her fat little feet.

She may mask her true intentions, but my baby niece is sweet!

Spitting image of her father; but an attitude like mine.

We were both handfuls as children, apparently it’s pay-back time!

Not quite 2 years old but, she’s going on twenty!

If you’re looking for knowledge, that child has plenty!

“Independendently clever” aren’t words that are normally associated with such a little girl!

But, she’s wise beyond her years, and ready for the world!

I adore “Naetajah” She’s entertaining indeed.

I’ll be sure to guide her and, and assist with all the help she’ll need.

“Naetajah’s” family has given her great qualities, because we’ve all did our part.

She’s inherit of many good family traits but most importantly our hearts.

We’re greatful to god for his resolution to many a gloomy day!

He answered our prayers when he sent “Naetajah” our way!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I love my neice to death, even though I don't really care to be around a lot of children LOL

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