"Angry Little Boy"

“Angry Little Boy”

Dear mom, this is a message from your” Angry Little Boy”.

Because of my blessings there is so much I enjoy!

I know as a child you spent countless nights worrying about me.

Wondering If I’d ever see the light that was my destiny.

Anger used to be my motivation; something you didn’t understand.

You refused to let me fail myself or be my enabeling hand.

Oblivious to your wisdom, I assumed there was no point to your discipline.

As an adult I am so gracious of your insistance of my expression from within.

I never would have thought that beneath the anger there were hidden insecurities.

Perhaps masking them as anger was my way of protecting me.

Your contributions of patience, compassion, support, and unconditional love were true gifts from your heart.

I’m glad to have inherited such valuable qualities; that in this conforming world set me apart.

I am no longer an” Angry Little Boy” limited to juvenile views or ways.

Your guidance has allowed me the freedom of now living” Positive Man” days!

I thank you for being my mother you are the most important asset in my life indeed.

God delivered me to you because he knew that you’d be all; this “Angry Little Boy” would need!

Love Always,

Bryant Mosley

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