"Not everyone is able"

Not Everyone Is Able…

I sometimes wonder how some people live a life so unstable.

But, then I remind myself that” Not everyone is able”.

I used to assume that because I did something that most people did the same.

I eventually realized that most of life is just a big game.

Blessed with the gifts of standards, morals, and a romantic nature, I was destined to lose from the start.

I wasn’t equipped with the tools to play the game but convinced the world and myself that I deserved the part.

I had no business participating in the destruction of the values that were instilled in me from birth.

I have made it my mission to help conserve what little boundaries that still remain on this troubled earth.

I am living proof that there is still a chance.

This world doesn’t have to self-destruct, we can advance.

Instead of making excuses to conform we must be courageous enough to step out on our own.

If we insist on being good human beings the world presumed to be ice-cold will be gone.

The world that I dream of is one that is filled with beautiful people of various degrees.

Their beauty will be as apparent as the wonderful air of life that everyone breathes.

I know that this world will never be perfect; I would be a fool to assume that everyone shared my dreams.

I know there will be skeptics with pessimistic out looks unable to be redeemed.

But, I will continue to share my distinguishing qualities with everyone I know.

Though I may face some opposition my seeds of love will have a domino effect and continually grow.

“Not everyone is able”… Yes I know this much is true.

I hope that my interaction in your life has” Enabled “you.

By Bryant Mosley

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A poem explaining the inbalance of selfish verses selfless people in the world, but acknowledging the blessing of being one of the Selfless individuals.

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