Bottom Line Christianity

Divine Revelation

Is faith just a means to an end?

Do we accept salvation

to bargain with our Maker?

Is it just a transaction,

a business contract,

a give-and-take agreement?

Do we do good works

to increase our reward

in heaven?

Where is the line

between love and economics?

If Christ’s blood

is just a barter system,

what do we offer

in exchange?

If Christianity

is the product,

are we buying Jesus?  

Is there an infinite supply

or does redemption

follow the demand curve?

Can we ever run out,

does the cost increase?

Are churches just

the middle man,

the wholesaler?

Can we not deal

directly with God?

Does he have employees

here on earth?

Does he pay a good salary

or do they work mostly

on commission?

Is a bigger house in heaven

part of the pension plan?

Is life a competition?

Does the person

who led the most people

to salvation win?  

Is faith just a means to an end?

Rewrite 2012

Is faith just a means to an end?

Do we accept salvation
as a bargain with our Maker?

Is it just a transaction,
a business contract,
a give-and-take agreement?

Do we do good works
to increase our reward
in heaven?

Where is the line
between love and economics?

If Christ’s blood
is just a barter system,
what do we offer
in exchange?

If Christianity
is the product,
are we buying Jesus?

Is there an infinite supply,
or does redemption
follow the demand curve?

Are churches just
the middle man,
the wholesaler?

Can we not deal
directly with God?

Does he have employees
here on earth?

Is a bigger house in heaven
part of the pension plan?

Is life a competition?

Does the person
who led the most people
to salvation win?

Is faith just a means to an end?

View metaphorist's Full Portfolio
J-C4113d's picture

Brilliantly conceived and written; excellent as both theology and poetry!

J-Called [fka Starward]

lovebeinginlov3's picture

Naturally, as human beings we are all undeserving of christs love for us. But just by believing, loving him, and trusting in him, we gain the gift of eternal life. We need faith without sight.

~perfect love~

Ruth Lovejoy's picture

Faith just is ,it does not question,it accepts so in the question does good works increase our reward in heaven? No,it is what we simply are suppose to do as good christians. God knows all,sees all and there is no bargining in the long range. What is is and we will all be judged...