When I Rise

God (Inspired by)

When I rise every morning,

I have the choice to

give myself to you once again

or turn from you.

The farther I am from you,

the closer I come

to my problems.

I can run away from you,

but never from

what keeps me prisoner:

this flesh that follows me,

these thoughts that confine me.

By the afternoon,

I feel so lost,

so consumed by

the daily stresses of life.

It is only when

I draw close to you

from the moment when

dawn opens my eyes

that I can face life

with a smile

and the knowledge

that you love me.

I have to let go of myself

so I can find you;

I must close my eyes

and let you lead me

because you will take me

where peace and joy abound.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by: “Say Won’t You Say” by Jennifer Knapp

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