Don’t love me for my beauty.
It fades over time.
Don’t love me for my words
for these lips have uttered
the worst atrocities you can imagine.
Love me for my imperfections,
these flaws on my skin and my heart.
My insatiable hunger for attention,
my unstoppable temper,
freckles and dimples on my skin.
Love me for what makes me who I am.
I am not perfect;
I will never be.
Love me anyway.
Author's Notes/Comments:
Inspired by: "If you tell a beautiful woman that she is beautiful, what have you given her? It's no more than a fact and it has cost you nothing. But if you tell an ugly woman that she is beautiful, you offer her the great homage of corrupting the concept of beauty. To love a woman for
her virtues is meaningless. She's earned it, it's a payment, not a gift. But to love her for her vices is a real gift, unearned and undeserved. To love her for her vices is to defile all virtue for her sake - and that is a real tribute of love, because you sacrifice your conscience, your reason, your integrity, and your invaluable self-esteem." (Atlas Shrugged)
My insatiable hunger for attention,
my unstoppable temper,
freckles and dimples on my skin
hmm again a sweet and intersting poem that touching my heart and I am enjoying and reading again and again... lovely poetess dear J