I Doubt Your Love

My Broken Heart

I doubt your love.


I don't believe in it 

because I don't feel it.


Not in your actions

or your words.


Everything you do

is selfish,



Nothing is done 

with my interests

at heart.


You don't focus on my needs

and forget about my wants.


I'm just here

for company's sake.


I'm not your partner;

I don't have a say

in anything we do.


I'm not allowed 

to contribute 

to decison making.


I'm just a pretty thing

to look at,

but my viewpoints

are irrelevant. 

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patriciajj's picture

You doubt it because you know

You doubt it because you know what true love is and you're too intelligent, too aware of your worth, to settle for a cheap imitation. I've been here as well and I admire your strong-willed, dignified candor in this delicate expression.


S74rw4rd123d's picture

This one hurt to read.  I

This one hurt to read.  I have been in that situation, and my heart goes out to you.

Starwardized [fka Starward]