The Night We Met

Love Blossoms

It was a night
I will never forget.


I spent it watching you,
trying to get your attention
as I swayed to the music.


I was hoping you would see me,
and finally at the end of the night,
you glanced my way.


We shared a dance
and it felt like we were alone
there in a crowded room.


I asked for a memento
of this moment together
so now I have a photo to remember you.


I walked away with cheeks blushed,
face flushed
in a permanent smile.


That night I couldn't sleep;
I tossed and turned
thinking of you.


The realization
that I may never see you again
kept me awake for days.


Then I found you on the World Wide Web;
I sent you a message,
never expecting a reply.


Yet you did respond
and you called me beautiful
and my heart almost exploded.


Then began a conversation
that I never dreamed would happen.


And now that I have
gotten to know you,
I can't imagine my life without you.


There's something about you,
that smile, that heart,
that is making me fall for you.


I know I met you for a reason;
I don't know what it is
but I hope it's for forever.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by: "Enchanted" by Taylor Swift


For Brad <3

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The Night We Met

c'est une belle histoire qui me rappelle bien des choses .